Thursday, August 9, 2012

Important Fall Dates

August 28 - 1st grade will perform at the first PTO meeting of the year

September 21 - 3rd grade play "BUGZ"

September 28 - Native American Day

December 19 - Christmas program 9:30 a.m. & 12:30 p.m.

First Week of School - Music Classes

We have been having fun in music class this week! 
Auditions for Sedalia Singers will be Tuesday, August 14th during school at set times for each class.  Sedalia Singers is open for 5th & 6th graders who love to sing!  The audition piece is the first verse of "America."  There is no cost for the choir.  Students will receive a free t-shirt provided by the PTO, and will go on field trips to share music with our community throughout the year, as well as perform as other opportunities present themselves.